5 lip scrub recipes Smooth, soft, pink Reduce the problem of dry, cracked, peeling lips

Even exposure to the sun and licking your lips can make them dry, rough, and cracked because our lips have no oil glands. Without proper care, they can dry out, crack and peel, although regular application of lip balm ยูฟ่าเบท can help. But some people want more results. For example, having pink, soft, or natural-looking lips is a sign of good health.
5 lip scrub recipes
1. Beetroot helps make lips pink.
Take 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of Vaseline and mix well. Add 2 tablespoons of fresh beetroot juice and a few drops of coconut oil. Mix all the ingredients well. Then apply the mask on your lips for 2 – 5 minutes, then rinse or wipe off with a soft tissue.
2. Lemon juice and honey For soft lips
Mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice to make a lip mask. Honey helps heal and soften our lips. Meanwhile, lemon juice helps remove excess pigment. When you have the desired ingredients Apply it on your lips and leave it for 2 – 5 minutes, then rinse off or gently wipe until clean.
3. Strawberries and coffee Reduce peeling lips
Crush a whole strawberry and add 1/2 teaspoon of coffee powder. Then add a few drops of coconut oil and apply it to your lips. Scrub gently in circular motions. Leave it on for 2-5 minutes, then wipe or rinse off.
4. Aloe vera and coconut oil nourish lips.
For this recipe Let us use 1 tablespoon of the inner flesh of fresh aloe vera mixed with coconut oil or olive oil. Apply this mixture on your lips, leave it for 2 – 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
5. Coconut oil mix with honey Adjust the condition of the lips
Condition your lips by mixing a few drops of coconut oil with honey. Then apply it on the lips. This formula can be mixed and stored in the refrigerator overnight and then used as a lip balm.